Last week, in part I of our blog on Safety in Construction, we talked about identifying potential industry-related hazards and taking preventative steps will help reduce and potentially eliminate some of the risks and the resulting accidents and injuries. Our previous discussion included steps that need to happen before a worker’s first day onsite. Today we move on to on-the-job preventative measures, as well as the significance of the employer-employee relationship.
On the Job:
Awareness: Encourage your workers to be constantly aware of their surroundings. When workers remain alert to potential hazards and are trained to respond appropriately, the number of accidents and injuries are reduced.
Equipment safety: Establish procedures for keeping all equipment in prime condition. Ensure that only properly trained and certified (when required) employees have clearance to operate the equipment.
Pay attention to surroundings: From trees and powerlines above to slick surfaces, changing terrains and holes beneath, being cognizant of these potential dangers and adjusting accordingly is critical.
Respect the weather: Use common-sense regarding changing weather conditions. It’s obvious, of course, to get off the steel grid of high rise under construction when a storm is approaching, but it’s easy to ignore potential issues when the weather is seemingly wonderful. Taking breaks from the heat, staying hydrated, and using sunscreen are equally important. Encourage employees to be aware of symptoms within themselves and their coworkers.
Build Relationship:
An open-door policy and commitment to a relationship of trust with your employees is key to ongoing job-site safety.
Invite feedback: Encourage construction workers to speak up when they notice equipment that needs repaired or other conditions with potential hazards, as well as actions that could cause an accident. Give them the authority to call an emergency stop of work in progress when a high-risk situation arises.
Preach and practice: Constantly communicate the safety priorities and guidelines to all employees from entry-level up. Constantly practice what you preach – in your actions and by enforcing safety policies. Blatant disregard for safety guidelines should invoke an immediate response.
In summary:
Construction work is inherently dangerous. In fact, it’s an industry that has one of the highest fatality rates for workers but making safety a top priority will make a difference. Establishing and enforcing critical safety standards, proper training, maintaining equipment, and ensuring proper use of personal protective equipment will make a significant difference.
At GSI, a veteran-owned company, we strive to create a supportive, transparent, and safety-conscious working environment where every employee, individually and collectively, can dedicate himself or herself to providing our clients with exceptional workmanship, extraordinary service, and professional integrity. We stand behind our policy of safety without compromise, including offering on-staff OSHA instructors. If you’re seeking safety-conscious employees, look no farther. Contact us today.